Death of A Witch

Death of A Witch

By Patricia A. Wolf

Male and FemaleParanormalJalapeño Pepper

Someone or something murdered a witch. Determined to find her friends killer, Savannah sets out to uncover the mystery of her death. She never expected to stumble upon a sexy as hell werewolf who wished to help her solve the mystery. Especially a werewolf she’d fantaised about for as long as she could remember. A forbidden love, Josh secretly craved Savannah. Something she wouldn’t know since vampires, werewolves, demons and othe magical creatures didn’t like witches. The list of suspects was long. Can an investiagation into murder lead to answers or will the mystery prove even more dangerous for two forbidden lovers.

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His eyes rounded. “So, you do feel something for me?” 

As strange as it was to admit, she nodded. So, what if he made fun of her? She was not a practiced liar and struggled to do more than tell the truth. 

“I feel it too,” he confessed. “I have for a long time.”

“Wait. What?” Did he wish to protect her like a chosen mate or was it something else? Her mind was scrambled up in thoughts. “Is this why you’re helping me?”

The corner of his mouth curled upward. “Would you be angry if it was?”

Her belly fluttered. She’d fantasized about Josh for so long, the idea that he liked her back had never come up. Denying she was overjoyed by the admittance was impossible. “No. It’s kind of sweet.”

Chuckling, he told her, “Just what every big bad wolf wants to be called. Sweet.”

Her face warmed. “You don’t look so bad to me.”

Death of A Witch
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